By pregnancy week 40, you may have delivered your baby already. But if you haven't, it is all right to deliver before 42 weeks, says KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH).
For mom
By now, you may have delivered your baby. If you haven't do not worry, your time will come soon!
Some women, especially those having their first child tend to deliver later, anything before 42 weeks is acceptable.
Once your expected due date has past, your doctor will be monitoring you and your baby closely to ensure both are in good health. This may involve another ultrasound scan, and frequent clinic visits. If all is going well for both you and baby, usually waiting a reasonable time is preferred. However, if the fetus is in distress, a prompt delivery may be warranted.
With that we conclude our 40-week journey and congratulate you in the new addition to your family! We hope that this pregnancy planner has provided you with some useful insights on this magical 9-month journey!
Now go get some well-deserved rest before you head home! Don't forget to attend your post-natal check ups. Ladies with high blood pressure or other complications during pregnancy generally require more stringent monitoring and will be given a closer appointment date.
For baby
At pregnancy week 40, your baby would be
about 50cm in length and
approximately 3kg in weight.
Your baby has made it this far and into your new world. From now on, you will spend many wonderful "first moments" and many late nights tending to your baby when he or she cries.
Best of luck and may your wonderful journey of motherhood begin.
Please do not be afraid to ask for help if you’re overwhelmed and be patient with yourself as you recover.
Need breastfeeding help?
If you require help or advice regarding breastfeeding, please contact:
KKH Lactation Service
+65 6225 5554
(Our Call Centre Assistants will help you contact our Lactation Consultants to return your call or to arrange an appointment to see them at the Lactation Clinic)
Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group
+65 6339 3558
Joyful Parenting and Breastfeeding Hotline
+65 6488 0286
Disclaimer: This Pregnancy Planner does not replace the advice or recommendations given by your doctor. While we will make every effort to ensure the Planner is kept up to date, users should use this information together with advice from your doctor/obstetrician.
Ref: L20
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complete listing of articles for Pregnancy Week 1 - Week 40.