KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) shares tips to exercise safely during pregnancy, sample exercises, precautions to take and more.
Stay active during pregnancy
Physical activity is another important aspect to optimise your metabolic health.
There are 3 main types of exercises that should be incorporated in your physical activity:
These are some examples of exercises that are
safe during preconception and throughout your pregnancy.
Here are some examples of an exercise plan that you can follow. You are advised to do
30 minutes of
continuous exercise.
Exercising before you get pregnant can help to ensure you are at your best health state before pregnancy and increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Exercising during pregnancy promotes healthy weight gain, reduces complications related to gestational diabetes and improves mental wellness.
Continue exercising for 30 minutes a day at the appropriate intensity, five to seven times in a week!
Here are some frequently asked questions about pregnancy and exercise.
1. What are the things I need to look out for when exercising?
2. How hard should I exercise when I’m pregnant?
There are 2 ways you can determine how hard you should be exercising:
1) Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
2) Heart Rate
3) What exercise precautions should I take when I’m pregnant?
You would need to adjust your exercises according to any issues (e.g. nausea and vomiting) that you are experiencing in your pregnancy.
Exercising post-delivery can help strengthen your core muscles, improve your mood, reduce stress and help you to lose the extra weight that you may have gained during pregnancy.
You may refer to this exercise guideline after your vaginal delivery or Caesarean section.
These are some Do’s and Don’t’s for exercising post-delivery.
Pelvic floor exercises
Ref: J22
More tips for a healthy pregnancy:
Pregnancy Week-By-Week Guide by KKH
Pregnancy Must-Knows: 6 'P's for a Healthy Pregnancy
Weight Gain During Pregnancy: How Much Is Considered Healthy?
Screening During Pregnancy: What To Know For All Trimesters
Depression During Pregnancy: Tips To Cope
Top Foods and Supplements for Pregnancy
10 Tips for Good Sleep During Pregnancy