Almost 80% of Singaporeans consume too much salt! High sodium intake puts you at risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). Lower blood pressure with these diet tips!
Transcribed from video.
Do you know the daily recommended serving of salt is only one teaspoon?
Yet, as many as 8 in 10 Singaporeans consume too much salt.
High salt intake can lead to high blood pressure. Smoking, a lack of exercise and family history are other contributing factors. Although some factors are harder to control, you can improve your diet.
How do you improve your diet?
- Start by saying no to gravy, canned and processed food.
- Eat less fatty food.
- Drink less alcohol.
- Choose foods with the healthier choice logo.
- Eat more wholegrains and fibre-rich foods.
Remember, one teaspoon of salt a day is all you need.
Here is our challenge to you:
How much salt can you reduce from your diet?
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