Get tips on how to avoid overheating during exercise from the doctors at Singapore General Hospital.
Continued from previous page.
"With heat injuries, prevention is more important than cure because if you leave it too late, you may never get a second chance," say doctors from
Singapore General Hospital, a member of the
SingHealth group.
- Drink lots of fluids before, during and after training. Do not wait to become thirsty before you drink. Drink until your urine becomes dilute and clear.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks. Plain water is the best; however, a good sports drink will also help to replenish salts and minerals lost through sweating.
- Wear loose-fitting clothes that allow for good air circulation, and do not restrict your movements.
- Avoid the extreme heat in the middle of the day. Schedule your training and playing sessions at cooler times, such as early mornings and evenings.
- Avoid sunburn at all costs. A huge amount of fluids is lost through burnt skin. If you have to be in the sun for prolonged periods, remember “slip, slop, slap”. Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat.
- Schedule plenty of rest time in cool, shaded areas, as part of your training and playing.
- Do not be too ambitious in your training regime. Start slow and gradually step up to acclimatise to your current training and playing environment.
- Do not engage in strenuous sports if you are currently having, or have recently recovered from fever, flu-like symptoms and gastroenteritis. Inform your PE teacher or events organiser.
Lastly, do not ignore warning signs.
First-aid management: The 7Rs
Recognise symptoms | Recognise and report them early. |
Rest in shade | Lie or sit the person down in a cool, shaded area with good air circulation. |
Remove clothing | Loosen any clothing to assist in cooling, whenever possible. |
Reduce temperature | Douse the person in cool water. Use fans and other devices to reduce body temperature. |
Re-hydrate | If the person is conscious and alert, give him/her lots of fluids to drink. If unconscious, do not administer fluids by mouth as this may cause choking. |
Resuscitate | Resuscitate unconscious person if you are trained in BCLS (Basic Cardiac Life Support). Protect the airway, support breathing and give intravenous fluids. Otherwise, rush to a hospital as soon as possible. |
Rush to a hospital | Do not delay! |
See previous page for
symptoms of overheating.
Ref: V10