Covid-19 has increased anxiety for many of us including our patients. Amid the uncertainties, our staff never failed to wholeheartedly care for our patients, manage their health concerns and offer assurance. Learn more from NHCS.
Covid-19 has increased anxiety for many of us including our patients. Amidst the uncertainties during this period, our staff never failed to wholeheartedly care for our patients, manage their health concerns and offer assurance. At the recent annual NHCS Service Quality Awards, we learnt from some of award recipients that often times, a small gesture like a warm smile and greeting to patients is all it takes to make their day.

NHCS senior management thanked our staff for their exemplary service at the annual Service Quality Awards (at staggered times and with safe distancing of course!)
Mr Tong, a patient of the Bronze Award winner, Chan Hong from Pharmacy was impressed with Chan Hong’s sense of commitment and personable service. “He (Chan Hong) ran to the clinic to get a new lab investigation form for me. He could have just asked me to go instead. Before saying goodbye, he even left his name for me to contact him if further clarification is needed,” shared Mr Tong.
Sim Yu Xuan from Medical Social Services is another award recipient who serves with compassion and is often lauded by her patients for her helpfulness. A patient’s family member, Mdm Sammy shared, “She constantly checks on my mother, and gives her assurance in times of uncertainty. She goes out of her way to understand the family’s situation and needs. Miss Sim’s support to my family during this difficult period is exemplary.’
Dr Jeffrey Lau, Consultant from the Department of Cardiology is known for his approachable and caring demeanour. When asked how he had helped his patients overcome their worries during this time, the Gold Award recipient humbly replied, “Helping patients understand their medical problems and addressing their concerns is our job, and there is nothing remarkable about it.” However, he acknowledged that there are bound to be moments when he is unable to resolve his patients’ social or psychological issues, “We need to keep in mind that there is a limit to how much we can help and not be burned out due to factors beyond our control.”
To Senior Staff Nurse (SSN) Han Xuehua from Ward 47B, the proud recipient of the Bronze Award, putting herself in patients’ shoes and offering assurance is what makes a difference, “I constantly worry about my family who is in China so I can empathise with my patients’ anxiety and emotions when they cannot see their own family due to the restricted visitor policy.”
In helping to connect patients with their families, the simple acts done brought unexpected joy. For instance, SSN Xuehua went the extra mile to collect personal items or food brought by family members while SN Hemaraj R Manimaran from CTICU assisted his patients with video and phone calls. “It warmed my heart to see how delighted the patient and family were when the elderly patient who doesn’t even know how to use a mobile phone, successfully made a video call to his daughter,” shared SN Hemaraj.
Silver Award recipient, Assistant Nurse Clinician (ANC) Yvonne Yeo who has been working at Cardiac Clinics for 17 years, shares a similar service attitude, “During the height of the pandemic, many patients were concerned about visiting the clinic as they feared of being infected. After explaining patiently to them about our infection control measures, and talking to them like as if they are our family, they will usually be able to sense our sincerity and respond kindly.”
Congratulations to all our SQ Award winners and a big ‘Thank You!’ for making a difference!