​Adele Lau, Senior Acupuncturist, Department of Anaesthesiology, SKH, shared that most patients, referred by specialists, seek acupuncture due to lower back and neck which are often caused by degenerative spinal conditions or muscular strains. She emphasised that it is essential to first consult a doctor to determine if the pain requires urgent attention.

Adele highlighted that acupuncture primarily serves as a pain management tool rather than a curative treatment, especially for degenerative conditions. In a hospital setting, it is typically used as an adjunct treatment. Adele pointed out that responses to acupuncture vary, with some experiencing immediate relief while others may not respond. Patients with chronic or complex conditions often need more sessions, with pain relief typically lasting about a week for those with degenerative conditions without other interventions. As treatment frequency and length depend on individuals’ needs, conditions and responses, the acupuncturist will assess and recommend a suitable treatment plan for each patient.