During the start of the year, the SingHealth Group Development organised SingHealth HQ’s (SHHQ) first ever inter-division giving challenge to promote a culture of giving at the workplace.

More than 85% of SHHQ divisions responded enthusiastically in this month-long campaign to raise money for medical research and education, patients in need, as well as the physical and mental resilience of healthcare workers. Leaders from Group Education, Group Operations and Strategic Human Resource stepped forward and went the extra mile to rally their teams. For some divisions, the staff giving participation rate increased multiple folds.

A total of 168 SHHQ staff pledged their support through this challenge. One staff member even donated twice through the campaign.

Among the participating staff donors is Byron Lim, a Senior Manager from SingHealth’s Group Marketing Communications. Byron, who joined SingHealth in 2017, signed up to be a staff giver, pledging his contribution in support of the SingHealth Community Hospitals as well as the Family Medicine Academic Clinical Programme.

“With Singapore facing a rapidly ageing population, I wanted to show my support for these causes which taking the lead in tackling the healthcare challenges of an ageing population.”

His motivation to give back nests close to heart and home as well.

“There is a saying that ‘wealth does not buy health’, but I feel that by doing my small part, I can help someone afford a quality of life that is more comfortable. As caregiver to my 88-year-old father who is wheelchair-bound and in an advanced stage of dementia, I know first-hand the challenges and struggles of caring for an elderly loved one,” shared Byron.

“By donating, I know that whatever I give will help other people who may be in a similar situation as me.”

Byron believes that support from staff, whether big or small, can make a difference in the lives of patients. While this is not the first time Byron is making a gift, he wants to encourage other staff to take the first step of giving.

“You might think that donating $2 a month may not make a difference. But as cliché as it sounds, any amount that we can give will make an impact.”

“Staff giving is very much a part of our SingHealth’s culture of caring for the community,” shared Angela Ong from Group Development, who was part of the team behind this giving challenge. “Among our colleagues, we know of so many who choose to work in the healthcare sector because they possess a strong desire to serve the community and make a difference in others’ lives. By pledging a small amount to any of SingHealth’s myriad of causes, our staff show their commitment and love for the patients we care for as well as support for fellow colleagues.”


Staff giving is integral in aligning ourselves to the vision and purpose of SingHealth, and at the same time, instils a greater personal sense of purpose for the work we do daily. Every gift counts. All donations collectively have a huge impact and regardless of the amount of the gift, it will make a difference. Pick a cause close to your heart and for queries about giving, get in touch with Group Development at [email protected].