A gift of 18 crystal arowanas to mark the official opening of Sengkang General Hospital inspired this unique donor recognition wall.

Stepping into Sengkang General Hospital’s (SKH) Medical Centre, one’s eyes are immediately drawn to a beautiful, large aquarium mounted on a wall. Upon closer inspection, the aquarium-themed art piece pays tribute to benefactors of the SKH Better Health Fund.

The inspiration for this wall came when Mr Y, a friend of the hospital and avid collector of crystal sculptures, gifted 18 crystal arowanas to mark the official public opening of the hospital in 2019.

“Mr Y’s generous gesture instantly became the seed that gave the SKH Development Office the opportunity to create a unique donor recognition wall,” shared Amy Gay, Director of the SKH Development Office.

Despite the disruptions brought on by the pandemic, the team continued to conceptualise the donor recognition wall with the crystal arowanas as its centrepiece.

“By April 2020, we knew that the fabrication and supply of the crystal arowanas could become a huge problem given that the arowanas were fabricated in Thailand, which was in lockdown at the time,” shared Amy. “But even a global pandemic couldn’t put a stop to these arowanas ‘swimming’ over to Singapore,” she added with a smile.

Mr Y, known for his tenacious spirit, contacted the Thai manufacturer to enquire about his customised drawings of the arowanas and whether the workshop was still able to produce the stunning sculptures despite the pandemic. For the manufacturer, this also meant continued income and employment for their workers.

The crystal arowanas arrived in Singapore safely a few months later. By November 2020, the donor recognition wall which was lovingly curated by former CEO, Professor Christopher Cheng, together with the wall’s fabricator, and named ‘SKH’s Gratitude Pool’, made its permanent home at the SKH Medical Centre.

Today, the ornate crystal arowanas on the mesmerising wall provide artistic respite for patients, their families, SKH staff and visitors alike. Guarded under the watchful eyes of staff stationed at the Medical Centre lobby, the wall also stands as a testament to the profound beauty of giving.

If you would like to be part of the SKH Gratitude Pool, contact the SKH Development Office at [email protected] to make a gift to the SKH Better Health Fund.

About the SKH Better Health Fund
The fund receives donations to make a difference for our communities, families and patients.

Your contribution to the fund will enable us to continue the meaningful work in helping Singaporeans to Keep Well, Get Well and Live Well. Our aspiration is to help individuals to take responsibility of their own health at every stage in life as well as to help patients, especially those in need, to recover as best as possible. Your donation will also help to enhance healthcare outcomes through research and development programmes, to accelerate medical discoveries and cures as well as groom future generations of healthcare leaders through training and education.