About the Dementia Support Group
Living with dementia can be hard, both for the person with dementia and their caregivers, but
Young Onset Dementia (when someone is diagnosed with dementia before the age of 65 years), and less common forms of dementia have additional distinct challenges.
National Neuroscience Institute (NNI)
Cognitive Assessment Rehabilitation (CARe) Programme runs support groups where these challenges can be discussed openly in a supportive environment. Sharing practical information and connecting caregivers with others who understand the problems and frustrations they face can provide much needed support to help them through the rough times and celebrate positive moments that make caregiving meaningful.
What we do
NNI CARe Programme supports two interest groups for caregivers who are looking after people with:
Young Onset Dementia (YOD)
YOD strikes people in the prime of their lives when they are handling multiple responsibilities, such working and raising their families. This support group provides talks and activities to help caregivers manage and cope with these issues.
Atypical Dementia
Memory loss is the most well-known symptom of Alzheimer’s disease but other types of dementia cause different symptoms, especially in the early stages of the condition. These can include changes to their personality, making insensitive/inappropriate comments and becoming obsessed with words or actions. Such behaviour can be very challenging for caregivers to manage and accept.
This support group provides a safe space for caregivers to share the problems they are facing, meet others who understand what they are going through and learn how to cope.
Please note – these support groups are only open to caregivers of patients with these conditions who are treated at NNI @ Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) Campus and NNI @ Singapore General Hospital Campus (SGH).
Meetings are currently held throughout the year via Zoom and usually include a member sharing session and a guest speaker. Previous topics include:
Lasting Power of Attorney
Financial support
Mental well-being for caregivers
Dementia medications
Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia
Activities to engage persons with dementia
Communicating with someone with dementia
Caregivers of patients who are treated at NNI@TTSH Campus and NNI@SGH Campus (Clinic L, SGH) can find out more information from their care team or email:
[email protected]
Click on the discussion group that you would like to participate in.