KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Paediatric Neurology and Speech Language Therapy Service share precautions to take note of when feeding a child with swallowing difficulty (dysphagia).
Aspiration precaution
Safety concerns when feeding a child with swallowing difficulty (dysphagia)

Aspiration refers to saliva, food and/or drink entering the airway during the process of swallowing. This may be due to swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). It may happen with or without obvious signs such as coughing. It can result in aspiration pneumonia.
Aspiration can result in aspiration pneumonia, a type of lung infection that can result in serious medical complications.
Only offer appropriate food/drink to your child as directed by a speech therapist.
Consult your speech therapist for:
Suitable exercises to improve swallowing,
Appropriate food and/or fluid consistency for feeding and
Appropriate mode of feeding
Ref: K21