Ovarian cancer is treated at KK Women's and Children's Hospital using a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and counselling to deliver holistic care to the patient.
Continued from
previous page.
Treating Ovarian Cancer: Counselling to Complement Chemotherapy
Ms Khoo was also counselled by Ms Julia Eng, Advanced Practice Nurse and Deputy Director of Nursing,
KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH), a member of the
SingHealth group. She is one of the nurses who is present when doctors break bad news to patients.
She said: “After the news, I’ll talk to patients privately, answer their questions and give them more information, while I monitor their emotional status. If they find it difficult accepting the news, I’ll spend more time exploring their support system and explaining the treatment process to alleviate their fears. We encourage them to try treatment, and reassure them.”
Nurse coordinators from the Women’s Cancer Support Group will also arrange for cancer survivors to share their experiences with patients. Those who show signs of depression, will be referred to a psychologist or psychiatrist for help.
Palliative care is also offered to some patients, to relieve symptoms and improve their quality of life. “We provide pain and symptom management with curative treatment, as well as psychosocial and spiritual care, according to the patient’s values, beliefs and cultures,” said a specialist from the
KKH Gynaecological Cancer Centre.
Ms Khoo was referred to a psychiatrist when she got depressed after her operations and is still under treatment, but her cancer, thankfully, is in remission. “People usually think cancer is terminal, but I have managed to pull through. If I can, others can too,” said Ms Khoo.
Dr Chia said: “Celina’s case shows that all is not lost even if you have Stage 4 ovarian cancer, which is deemed terminal. You can overcome it.”
See previous page to learn about the
benefits of multidisciplinary care offered by the KKH Gynaecological Cancer Centre.
Ref: N18