For mom and baby

​At pregnancy week 21, your uterus is almost up to the level of your belly button. For your convenience, we have compiled a general list of Do's and Don'ts in pregnancy. Those who have been reading diligently from week 1 might find this a small refresher course:

Pregnancy Do's

  1. Eat balanced meals (rich in iron, calcium, folate)
  2. Take a multivitamin with iron supplementation
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Always wear seat belts when driving or commuting, with the bottom belt under your belly
  5. Wear comfortable shoes and breathable clothing
  6. Sleep on your left side – as this is most comfortable and prevents baby's weight from compressing a large vein in your body

Pregnancy Don'ts

  1. Diet or try to lose weight during pregnancy
  2. Eat raw foods (including seafood), unpasteurised milk or soft cheeses, unwashed salads
  3. Use TCM without checking with your doctor first
  4. Fly or travel by air after 32 weeks
  5. Handle cat litter, birds and farm animals to prevent toxoplasmosis.
  6. Have unnecessary X-rays e.g. dental x-rays
  7. Smoke
  8. Drink alcohol

Another tip: Get enough vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron. Many pregnant women experience iron deficiency due to a higher demand for the formation of red blood cells and as a consequence, become anaemic.

So, get your vitamin C through these natural sources, to help with your baby’s bone and ligament development.

Foods rich in vitamin C include:

  1. Papaya
  2. Orange
  3. Watermelon
  4. Banana
  5. Apples
  6. Broccoli
  7. Cauliflower
  8. Cabbage
  9. Lady's finger
  10. Spinach

Ref: L20

Click the link for the complete listing of articles for Pregnancy Week 1 - Week 40.