Stay home (#stayhomesg) as much as possible during this "circuit breaker" period. To help you make the most of stay-home time, HealthXchange has tips for you and your loved ones.
Here are tips because #healthiswealth #goodforhealth #healthforgood
For adults
Stay fresh (breathed)
Unless you’re exercising outdoors, there’s no way around it – mask up when you’re out! If you're bothered by having to smell (your own) bad breath when having a mask on, here's a tip. For the meal that you're having before you go out, avoid foods that taint the breath like:
Alternatively, you can brush your teeth after each meal (it’s good for your teeth too) or pop a couple of breath mints before donning your mask.
Also, be sure to wash your reusable mask
AFTER EACH TIME you use it when going out, either handwashing it with soap and water, or by putting it into the washing machine with the rest of your laundry. It’ll dry in no time (given the scorching heat we’ve been experiencing lately).
Related article: Take my (bad) breath away
For kids
Free your child’s mind (while staying indoors)
Don’t let four walls and boredom stifle the imagination of your child. Try
checking out craft sites like
Happiness is Homemade, which teaches children to create artworks using materials found easily in the home (no special skills or tools required).
You can also have fun as a family by playing Pictionary. There's no need to own the game to play it! Just check out
Pictionary Generator – the online random word generator that you can use to play the game.
Related article:
How to choose the best toys for child development
For seniors
Meet face-to-face? Can, just video call!
Miss catching up with your
kakis over
kopi at the
kopitiam? Do it at home by video-calling them – you can even recreate the experience by having a cup of coffee in hand. Or better yet, make it a conference (group) video call! Software and apps like Skype, Zoom and even WhatsApp have made video calls a breeze. Chances are many seniors are already using WhatsApp to stay in touch with family and friends. Just remember to enable WiFi at home to avoid racking up excess data usage!
If you don’t know how to make a video call on WhatsApp, check out this easy-to-pick-up tutorial by
Tech Advisor.
Related article:
Have difficulty communicating with the elderly? Try these steps
Looking for more stay-home tips? Click the link "Stay Home: Tips on What to Do (series 1)"
Have you seen our
easy tips to remember when stepping out of the home? Click the link to check it out .
Ref: L20