Liposuction: What You Need to Know
Liposuction is a common aesthetic procedure that does more than just remove stubborn areas of fat in the body. Dr Terence Goh, Visiting Consultant, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, shares more.
is an aesthetic procedure that does more than just remove stubborn areas of fat in the body.
Liposuction: What it is
Liposuction (also known as liposculpture, lipoplasty and lipectomy) is a technique used in cosmetic surgery for the removal of excess fat under the skin by suction. The fat is removed through a hollow tube-like instrument, called a cannula. A strong, high-pressure vacuum is applied to the cannula, which “sucks” out the fat in targeted areas that are not responding to diet and exercise.
Liposuction is commonly performed on:
Abdomen and flank (area from upper abdomen or ribs to the hips)
Despite weight loss, fat in this area will not budge easily for both men and women; especially for women who are unable to lose the excess fat around their waist after childbirth.
The procedure is ideal for removing the stubborn fat in the under arm or back of the arm area, as well as the armpit area. Many patients who had previously been reluctant to wear sleeveless clothing or raise their arms report an increase in self-confidence after the procedure.
Under the chin and neck
For ageing men and women, fat tends to accumulate under the chin and jawline, which causes a heavy-set appearance despite the fact that they may not have gained much weight.
This is a troublesome area for most women despite diet and exercise as fats tend to accumulate easily in this area. Liposuction can be performed on both the inner and outer thighs.
GynaecomastiaMore commonly referred to “man boobs”,
gynaecomastia can cause a great deal of embarrassment to most men.
Read on to learn about the
risks involved in liposuction and what can’t the procedure do for you.
Ref: N18
Dr Terence Goh
Visiting Consultant
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