Presenting the first, one-stop, self-care resource for healthcare workers, specially curated by SingHealth Staff Care Centre.
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Stress management: A daily living skill
Staying afloat of your daily stressors allow you to:
Learn from your stressors
Avail yourself to face and overcome bigger challenges
Meet your full potential
Allow more space to notice the joys in your life
Acknowledge your stress
Previously: Many emphasised on changing the situation or eliminating feelings of stress.
Presently: You should also acknowledge that most times, there is no way to change the situation nor the existence of your uncomfortable feelings.
As you acknowledge the situation and your feelings, you see reality for what it is, even if you may not like it.
This lets you turn suffering you can’t cope into pain you can cope.
Doing this takes self-compassion and bravery.
Prioritise & check off your task list
Make a list of what you have to do
Prioritise them according to importance and urgency
Commit to completing each task one at a time
If a tasks is very big, break it into smaller steps
Check off the task when you complete it!(You’ll feel good!)
Schedule breaks to recharge
Spending time away from daily work and commitments will recharge your energy “batteries” to cope with stress.
You deserve it and need it
Afterall, you need to be okay to help and provide for others (patients, family, colleagues, friends)
Take short breaks (brief naps, strolls, coffee breaks).
Participating in recreation activities and hobbies can lift your mood.
Refuel your body
With sufficient nourishment, your body and mind can function more efficiently
And of course, an occasional treat to feed your soul!
Exercise to relieve tension
Not only does it boost your fitness, exercising releases nervous, anger and upset energy within you.
It relieves your muscle tension, relaxes you and brings about a more balanced state of mind
Adopt a regular exercise routine (2-3 times a week, 30 minutes each)
Having friendly company to exercise with increases your motivation to exercise
Try out a new exercise or something fun
Time with loved ones
Spending quality time with your family and friends help to buffer you during trying times.
Also, cultivate your relationships (with family, friends and colleagues).
Share your stress
It helps to talk to
someone you can trust about your stress and worries
Family and friends
Superior, colleague
You don’t have to go through your stress alone or bottle it up. Your struggles are valid and you are not a burden
Know your limits
Review your expectations.
Evaluate your resources to handle the stressful situation
Abilities, time, energy, finances
Seek support from work superiors or family if further resources is necessary
Sometimes you may need to cut your losses and let go.
Humour helps spread to cheer and bring laughter to others.
Sometimes, seeing the lighter side of things, does help make a serious situation more tolerable.
Do things that make you smile or laugh
Watch cartoons, comedies, or light-hearted movies, read comics, play with children or pets
Seeking spirituality
In times of distress, you can find much comfort and strength in your spiritual belief. Setting aside time to renew your faith could lend you more strength and resilience.
Stress can be easily managed! You can do it!
Up next:
Relaxation strategies
Ref: L20