As a cluster, we see the majority of public patients with blood cancer in Singapore, both pediatrics as well as adults. As such, we are constantly thinking of ways to improve our services in order to bring greater value to our patients throughout the care continuum. The SingHealth Duke-NUS Blood Cancer Centre (SDBCC) brings together a multidisciplinary team with the singular purpose of bringing the best care to our patients.

Through adopting evidence-based medicine, streamlining the complex cancer patient journey, providing access to high quality clinical trials and education, we hope to transform patient experience and significantly improve treatment outcomes. Our SDBCC has the potential to be a catalyst for blood cancer research and education for both Singapore and the world.

Prof Lim Soon Thye
Head, SingHealth Duke-NUS Blood Cancer Centre
Head, Division of Medical Oncology,
National Cancer Centre Singapore

Taking place every year on 28 May, World Blood Cancer Day is an international day to raise awareness of blood cancer. The awareness symbol - a red ampersand - conveys that you I are united in the fight against blood cancer.