VisionSave Calls for Public Support to
Raise $25 Million for Needy Patients
• Revamped Vision Fund will provide financial assistance for needy patients with sight-threatening eye diseases and Research & Development (R&D)
• Celebrity Dick Lee appointed as 2016 Ambassador to champion worthy cause for VisionSave campaign
Singapore, 19 July 2016 – The Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) and Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) today jointly announced the launch of VisionSave, SNEC target to raise $25 million by 2020 through VisionSave to support its community outreach and research activities.
“With the aim to improve the lives of patients, the new VisionSave campaign will now see donations channelled directly to provide support for Research and Development (R&D) efforts under SERI, and financial assistance to needy patients who require complex, cutting-edge & novel therapies/surgeries for sight-threatening eye diseases,” said Adjunct Associate Prof Ho Ching Lin, Director of Strategic Development and Philanthropy, Academic Clinical Programme, SNEC.
“Loss of vision and eye diseases have a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life. As a front-runner in eye care, it was a natural decision for us to continue looking at ways to save sight and transform the lives of every patient. Beyond that, it is also imperative to continue looking at innovative, cost-effective, and preventative treatments for the future of eye care. We request for support from the public for our new VisionSave campaign, to lend us a helping hand in our path to offering the gift of sight –holistically treating, restoring and preventing loss of sight, to all those in need,” said Professor Wong Tien Yin, Medical Director of SNEC.
Donations garnered will go towards supporting five causes for support under the VisionSave campaign. This includes:
1. Financial assistance for complex, cutting-edge & novel therapies/surgeries for sight –threatening eye diseases
2. Public Education/ Community Outreach/ Humanitarian programmes
3. Future-Focused Education
4. Research & Innovation
5. Infrastructure/ Capacity Building
“SERI has always strived to develop cutting-edge research and innovation, to improve the overall visual health for all, and identify preventive and cost-effective measures for treatments. With that said, there is still much more to be done that can benefit from further research for the future of our generations,” said Professor Aung Tin, Executive Director of SERI.
Celebrity Dick Lee to Champion the VisionSave cause
SNEC and SERI also revealed celebrity and cultural medallion recipient Dick Lee as VisionSave Ambassador for 2016, championing the drive in this philanthropic campaign. Dick was a victim of retinal detachment, a serious eye condition that almost took his sight.
Picture 1 Campaign poster for VisionSave featuring Dick Lee
Dick Lee, local celebrity and VisionSave Ambassador shared, “I am extremely proud to be appointed as the ambassador for VisionSave. The importance of eye health is something held dearly to my heart because of my past experiences. I hope that with this new effort by SNEC and SERI, we can work towards saving sight for everyone.”
The VisionSave campaign will see publicity and awareness efforts on various platforms, including newspapers, television, radio, out-of-home billboards and signages, and online.
Public can either make a corporate, personal, or anonymous donation to VisionSave by:
1. Completing the VisionSave form found at Donor Walls within SNEC and SERI, where donation pledges or cheques may be dropped into secure boxes; and/or
2. Logging on to, an online donation portal which accepts donations via PayPal
For more information on VisionSave, please visit or Enquiries can be made through 6576 7297 or email [email protected].
About Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)
Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) was incorporated in 1989 and commenced operations in 1990. It is the designated national centre within the public sector healthcare network, and spearheads and coordinates the provision of specialised ophthalmological services with emphasis on quality education and research.
Since its opening in 1990, SNEC has achieved rapid growth and currently manages an annual workload of 300,000 outpatient visits, 35,000 major eye surgeries and laser procedures.
Subspecialties in Cataract, Corneal and External Eye Disease, General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Oculoplastic, Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Refractive Surgery, Ocular Inflammation and Immunology, Medical Retina and Surgical Retina have been established to provide a full range of eye treatment from comprehensive to tertiary levels for the entire spectrum of eye conditions.
About Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI)
Established in 1997, the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) is Singapore’s national research institute for ophthalmic and vision research. It is the research arm of Singapore National Eye Centre, and affiliated to the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Duke-NUS Medical School.
In two decades, SERI has grown from a team of 5 to over 220 staff, and more than 100 distinguished adjunct faculty members to become the largest eye research institute in the Asia-Pacific region. Collectively, our clinician-scientists and researchers have published more than 2,000 peer-reviewed papers supported by over S$200 million in competitive research grants. SERI has trained more than 150 current and past graduate students; and has been conferred over 350 national & international awards and 105 patents.
Today, SERI is recognized as a pioneering center for high quality eye research in Asia, with breakthrough discoveries that has translated to significant paradigm shift in eye care delivery.
Media Contacts
Sheryl Koh Rozann Phua
Asia PR Werkz Asia PR Werkz
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Mr Ravi Chandran
Corporate Communications
Singapore National Eye Centre
Tel: 6322 8394
Mobile: 81218569
E-mail: [email protected]