The SingHealth Duke-NUS Genomic Medicine Centre (SDGMC) aims to be a global leader in delivering clinical care, with use of advanced genomic technologies to improve patient diagnostics, therapeutics and healthcare outcomes.
The SingHealth Duke-NUS Genomic Medicine Centre (SDGMC) was established to bring clinical genomics to institutions across the SingHealth cluster. The Centre aims to be a global leader in delivering clinical care, with use of advanced genomic technologies to improve patient diagnostics, therapeutics and healthcare outcomes.
Clinical genomics is the use of information stored in our DNA (i.e., our genes) to understand the mechanism underlying the individual’s disease. The improved understanding of genomics, triggered by the rapid decline in cost of sequencing, has fuelled the development of therapies that would be most beneficial to the individual. This has enabled the move from a “one size fits all” approach to medicine, to a more individualised form of precision medicine.
ABOUT THE GENOMIC MEDICINE CENTRESDGMC brings together expertise from the various SingHealth institutions and Duke-NUS Medical School, and aims to work closely with other sub-specialists across the cluster to provide multidisciplinary care in a seamless and timely manner. The Centre boosts genomic expertise and standardise clinical pathways across medical specialties in SingHealth. Specialty genetics clinics have been set up in SingHealth hospitals and institutions for patients with genetic disorders or conditions with a suspected genetic basis. In these clinics, patients and their family members undergo risk assessment, genetic testing and genetic counselling by a team of qualified specialists, geneticists and genetic counsellors. |
Research is an integral aspect in advancing genomics care. SDGMC endeavours to collaborate with local institutions such as Duke-NUS, A*STAR, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to conduct research to discover new biomarkers and genetic disorders for improved diagnosis and novel treatment. A genetics registry would also be established to serve as a centralised repository for the in-depth study of various conditions, which would in turn aid in better management of genetic disorders.
An ongoing quarterly workshop, ‘Genetics Education for Medical Professionals’, is conducted to equip clinicians with practical knowledge on the use of genetics in clinical practice. This helps them better identify, and make appropriate referrals for, patients with genetic conditions. SDGMC intends to expand on this to build an education platform that would increase the number of genomic-trained professionals across SingHealth.
• Genetic testing for specified disease
• Carrier testing / testing of family members
• Presymptomatic testing
• Reproductive counselling
• Telegenetics
• Evaluation for possible genetic disorder and subsequent management
• Risk assessment and multidisciplinary risk management clinics
• Research, clinical trials patient registry and support groups
For GP referrals, please contact the SingHealth Duke-NUS Genomic Medicine Centre:
KK Women's and Children's Hospital: 6692 2984
National Cancer Centre Singapore: 6436 8288
Asst Prof Saumya Shekhar Jamuar
Senior Consultant, Genetics Service, KKH
Deputy Head
Adj Assoc Prof Tan Ee Shien
Head & Senior Consultant, Genetics Service, KKH
Director, Bioinformatics
Asst Prof Lim Weng Khong
Chief Information Officer, SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine
Director, Education
Adj Asst Prof Ting Teck Wah
Consultant, Genetics Service, KKH
Director, Research
Adj Assoc Prof Sonia Davila
Assistant Director, SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine
Service Chief, Cancer Genetics
Assoc Prof Joanne Ngeow Yuen Yie
Head, Cancer Genetics Service, NCCS