Does your child have asthma?

If so, your child may be able to take part in a clinical research study.


KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) is conducting a study to look into the use of herbal Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to complement Western medicine in managing a child’s asthma. Led by Associate Professor Teoh Oon Hoe, Head and Senior Consultant, Respiratory Medicine Service, KKH, the study is conducted in collaboration with Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution.


How will the study be conducted?

Participants will have to commit to three study visits to KKH, and will be provided with all the medications required for the study. TCM, in the form of tiny grains to be dissolved in water, will be provided in addition to the child’s current asthma medication. Participants will be offered a token of appreciation for taking part in this study.


Who is eligible to join the study?

Your child may be able to join the study if he or she meets all the following criteria:

  • Is six to 16 years old, and diagnosed with mild to moderate asthma by a KKH doctor
  • Has been using the same dose of asthma inhalers and medications, prescribed by a KKH doctor, continuously for at least the past three months
  • Is willing to take herbal TCM for 12 weeks.



If you are interested to participate in this study, please contact Clinical Research Coordinator Ms Rupini Piragasam at 6394 8246 / 9783 4808, or email [email protected].