Together with healthcare professionals from Tan Tock Seng Hospital, we developed a training program and a new workflow to train nurses to perform the task. After two years, we roll out the initiative in the ward.
"In the past, the tracheostomy patients at the Ren Ci Chronic Sick Unit had to wait for ENT surgeons from acute hospitals to initiate weaning from the tube. The wait was uncomfortable and often affected a patient's quality of life.
Together with healthcare professionals from Tan Tock Seng Hospital, we developed a training program and a new workflow to train nurses to perform the task. After two years, we roll out the initiative in the ward.
A total of nine patients have been weaned from the tube, representing a 100 per cent success rate. The initiative has since been adopted as a standardised care plan for new patients with tracheostomy at Ren Ci, giving them the hope to breathe normally again, enabling them to return home and age in place."
TOT Champs
Ren Ci Community Hospital
Winner of the Special Mention Award, Singapore Health Quality Service Award 2016.
Tags: TOT Champs