With the launch of the new cluster-wide donor management system (DMS) this year, SingHealth institutions will be equipped with a new platform to sharpen their fundraising strategies.
The use of data has yielded tremendous insight into areas such as traffic behaviour, consumer buying habits, and disease patterns, enabling policies and strategies to be mapped for change. When it comes to fundraising, data analysis plays the same critical role.
With the launch of the new cluster-wide donor management system (DMS) this year, SingHealth institutions will be equipped with a new platform to sharpen their fundraising strategies.
Spearheaded by SingHealth Development Office, the DMS is an initiative that aims to integrate and harmonise the different existing systems across the SingHealth cluster. Currently, institutions either use simple donor management systems or Excel spreadsheets to keep a database of donors. This results in differences in the type of data collected as well as complexity when reconciling figures for reporting.
"From the learnings of matured development set-ups in overseas AMCs, having a comprehensive DMS will definitely increase the sophistication of our fundraising efforts."
- Angela Chen, Deputy Director, SingHealth Development Office
With the new DMS, SingHealth institutions will have access to their donor database and will be able to have an overview of the donor landscape as well as a better understanding of donor trends and behaviour.
Development officers will now have access to functions like a 'relationship tree' where users will be able to map relationships and connections between different donors. They will also be able to track data that will give them a better idea of donors' preferences. This allows development officers to get a better understanding of donors' preferred areas for support and enables them to collaborate across institutions during prospecting.
Targeted giving messages and communication touchpoints can also be customised for segmented groups of donors based on their preferences.
Angela Chen, Deputy Director, SingHealth Development Office explained, "Data from thousands of donors from 9 institutions had to be 'cleaned' to ensure the currency and accuracy of the data collected before being transferred to the DMS. From the learnings of matured development set-ups in overseas AMCs, having a comprehensive DMS will definitely increase the sophistication of our fundraising efforts."
The DMS is expected to go 'live' in the first quarter of 2017. In line with the transition of all Institutions of a Public Character in SingHealth to a single Company Limited by Guarantee later this year, this shift to a shared cluster-wide DMS will enhance efficiency and synergy in fundraising efforts to advance medical research and education, and improve patient care.