I used to tell myself that I would not be a nurse for long, but every patient encounter has helped to transform my opinion on the nursing profession.
"I used to tell myself that I would not be a nurse for long, but every patient encounter has helped to transform my opinion on the nursing profession. I have come to respect it, and will remain in it for as long as I can.
People tell me they can't see what I get out of helping children who are sick, injured or neglected. When a child recovers and I see the smile on his or her face, I know what I am doing is worth it. I am glad I had the privilege to help them through a terrifying stage of their life. It's just so rewarding to know that I am making a difference in someone's life."
Rajeshwari D/O Muthusamy
Staff Nurse, Ward 62
KK Women's and Children's Hospital
Tags: Nurse