When Madam Zanita was growing up, she witnessed how her mother, Madam
Suparni, cared for and looked after her late grandmother, an amputee, who was bedbound. This inspired her to do the same for others and Madam Zanita became a nurse. She started her nursing career in 1997 and has worked at hospitals such as Alexandra Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
When Madam Suparni developed multiple medical and chronic conditions including diabetes, hypertension and cancer, Madam Zanita decided to leave her nursing career and become a full-time caregiver to her mother.
“I come from a close-knit family, and my younger sister has been of great support. But being the main caregiver has not been easy. To be honest, it is quite taxing especially if you are the oldest sibling,” she shared. “Sometimes, I wonder I make the right decisions and am providing the best care for my mother.”
A mother of four , Madam Zanita, works as a freelance nurse, but the financial strain is still a heavy burden. The support and financial aid she receives from Changi General Hospital’s (CGH) HomeCare Assist has alleviated some of Madam Zanita’s concerns.
HomeCare Assist provided an air pressure mattress and supported her mother’s haemodialysis until she received longer-term aid. “I am very grateful when we receive help,” said Madam Zanita. This is why she encourages her younger sister, a paramedic, to give back to society, whenever possible.
HomeCare Assist was founded in 2002 to provide interim assistance to patients in need who have chronic illnesses or conditions to ensure that they continue to have access to essential consumables and treatment, such as respiratory equipment and dialysis, after their discharge from hospital.
Earlier this year, CGH organised the Changi Run 2021 to support these patients in need. Themed “We Dare to Care,” this inaugural virtual running event helped raise awareness and funds for HomeCare Assist.
Changi Run 2021, which was held from 1 February to 31 March 2021, saw more than 1,200 staff and members of the public taking part to do their part to help the fund’s beneficiaries. Close to $44,000 was raised from the event.
“It is gratifying to see so many people coming together for the virtual Changi Run to not only keep healthy but also help the less fortunate,” said Vincent Lim, CGH’s Chief Communications Officer (Designate). “It is heartwarming that even during this difficult time, many continue to care and are willing to make a difference in the lives of our patients who need our support.”
“It makes a lot of difference for us,” shared Madam Zanita. “To ask for assistance, when you’ve never had to before, can be hard. We never thought we would be in this predicament, but we are really grateful for the help.”
The next edition of Changi Run will be held in 2022. If you would like to contribute to the HCA and help others like Madam Zanita and Madam Suparni, you can do so at https://www.giving.sg/cgh-health-fund or email [email protected] for more details.