The SingHealth Duke-NUS Transplant Centre (SD Transplant Centre) brings together 12 transplant programmes across SingHealth to improve survival rates, optimise the quality of patients’ lives and keep costs affordable for patients.
The SingHealth Duke-NUS Transplant Centre (SD Transplant Centre) brings together 12 transplant programmes across SingHealth under a recognised consolidated entity. Formed in April 2019, the SD Transplant Centre, as a collective, is home to clinical research and educational activities for all its transplant programmes.
The Centre is made up of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals working together to improve transplant survival rates, optimise the quality of patients’ lives and keep transplant-related costs affordable for patients.

Being under one roof has allowed the Centre to focus on the pursuit of patient survival and quality improvement in its programmes. Through collaboration and shared goals, its teams learn from each other’s expertise to adapt to changing needs in transplantation. For instance, in the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre responded quickly to alter protocols for patient safety and developed a COVID-19 booklet to address patient queries.
Transplant medicine has advanced tremendously over the years with improved techniques, immunosuppression and organ preservation. These have translated into safer treatments such as laparoscopies, and new initiatives such as processing corneas for banking. With reduced hospital stays and better patient outcomes, transplantation remains to be the gold standard for end-stage organ failure patients to possibly lead a longer and more fulfilling life.
To find out more about our transplant programmes, please contact the SD Transplant Centre:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 6326 5194
To celebrate the many successful years of transplantation in Singapore, the SD Transplant Centre has published a special commemorative book featuring its pioneers and transplant programmes.
The book contains anecdotes and narratives penned by healthcare professionals who are instrumental to the transplant service in SingHealth. It also consists of inspiring stories of our transplant recipients and their journey to receive the gift of life through organ donation. These life-saving transplants would not have been possible without the collective effort, perseverance and hard work of our transplant doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and administrators.
Vsit this link to read or download a copy of the book.