Oral conditions are not just linked to teeth or hygiene-related habits. Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a benign, chronic oral condition that affects 1 to 2% of the population and is more commonly seen in females. People who suffer from this condition will feel a burning sensation in the mouth, but won't be able to detect any obvious findings in the mouth nor any abnormal blood test results. Dr Chelsia Sim from NDCS's Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery shared that BMS can occur in both men and women, and those aged 40 to 70 years old are more likely to develop it. However, she also observes an increasing number of younger patients with this condition. Dr Sim also talked about the symptoms of BMS, possible contributing factors, other conditions that may seem similar to and may be commonly mistaken as BMS, and how the condition is currently being treated. She added that 50 to 70% per cent of BMS patients may experience partial improvement in symptoms within a few weeks to a few months of treatment. For those with long-term symptoms that may last 6 to 7 years or longer, the intensity of burning tends to remain fairly stable at a manageable level, although some patients will return to normal without any residual burning. Patients who experience improvement with treatment can expect good control for years.