A new therapeutic drug-monitoring tool developed by an
SGH team will be able to tailor drug regimens to patients
with hard-to-treat infections or those who are critically ill.
It is not enough to just prescribe the
right antibiotics to fight disease. It is
also necessary — and crucial — to know
how patients, especially those with
hard-to-treat infections, are responding
to their medications.
With conditions that can fluctuate
frequently — as often as hourly for those in
intensive care — medication dosages have
to be adjusted quickly to meet each patient’s
individual clinical needs for the best
outcomes. “Standard antibiotic regimens
may be inadequate for these infections,
which usually require a larger antibiotic
dose to overcome the bacterial infection,”
said Dr Lim Tze Peng, Senior Principal
Pharmacist Researcher, Singapore General
Hospital (SGH).
According to Dr Jasmine Chung, SeniorConsultant, Department of InfectiousDiseases, SGH, patient-related factors add
to the complexity of determining antibiotic
doses. These include genetic factors and
underlying health issues such as obesity
and poor kidney or liver functions that
can affect the way these organs process
antibiotics. At the same time, development of new antibiotics is slow, while antibioticresistant
bacteria are rising. Thus, an
individualised approach to antibiotic dosing
can achieve better outcomes, particularly
for intensive care patients, whose antibiotic
levels are critical. “One size doesn’t fit all
for therapeutic dosing as we enter the era of
personalised medicine, especially for patients
who are critically ill or have difficult-to-treat
infections,” said Dr Chung.
As available tools can take too long or
are cumbersome, especially when very sick
patients are likely to be on several antibiotics
at one time, a team of SGH Infectious
Diseases and Pharmacy specialists worked
together to develop a therapeutic drugmonitoring
tool to measure the antibiotic
concentration in patients’ blood.
Procedures like dialysis, for instance,
can remove antibiotics from the blood.
This then results in suboptimal antibiotic
concentrations and poorer outcomes, even
though the correct dosage was given. Current
available tools can measure a limited number
and type of antibiotics, and also take days for
the blood samples to be analysed. SGH’s new
device, however, can test for 10 commonly prescribed antibiotics used in hospitals at
any one time and takes just five minutes for
the results to be available.
The tool was co-developed by Dr Lim
and Dr Kelvin Goh, Research Fellow,
Department of Pharmacy, SGH. SGH
Specialist Pharmacist Dr Nathalie Chua
then led a three-year-long pilot study to
examine the tool’s reliability in identifying
and measuring concentration levels of
antibiotics in patients on antibiotics
combination therapy. The tool is designed to
measure commonly used antibiotics around
the world, and thus can be implemented
anywhere easily, said Dr Lim.
“We are moving to the next phase —
feasibility studies for this test to be used in
a clinical setting,” said Dr Lim. The study
aims to recruit more than 700 patients to
assess if outcomes can be improved using
the tool to monitor antibiotic concentrations.
The team hopes to wrap up the study within
three years. “We are also working closely
with our colleagues in the Department of
Pathology on implementing the tool and
are concurrently developing a test kit for
any laboratory that wants to start a clinical
monitoring service. The long-term gain is
to be able to commercialise this tool and
enhance clinical options of this test in
Singapore and the rest of the world,”
added Dr Lim.
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