Unsure of how to manage your cholesterol levels? Dr Daniel Wai, Consultant from the Department of Endocrinology at Singapore General Hospital, gives detailed answers to your questions.
Do you have high cholesterol? A person with high cholesterol is likely to develop coronary heart disease in the long run.
Are you overweight? Did you know that the higher your BMI, the higher your risk for health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes?
Learn how to manage your cholesterol level and reduce your body fat.
Dr Daniel Wai, Consultant from the Department of Endocrinology at Singapore General Hospital, gives detailed answers to your questions.
Question by pearlynwan
dear doc
I am not overweight, but on my body checkup. It showed that my cholesterol level is on the high side. My family doesn't have a history of heart problem.
What can I do about it ? It is just lifestyle modification or I have to start on medication.
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
It depends on the other risk factors. The risk of heart disease depends mainly on age, cholesterol level, smoking history and blood pressure.
Your doctor will be able to determine the risk for you and decide on the need of medication. However you should start regular exercise and choose the healthier food straight away.
Question by chiangdon
Dear Dr Wai,
All along, I have the impression that egg york has high cholesterol and egg white has none. Hence, minimise my intake of egg york. However, lately, a friend of mine said egg york is high in the H-cholesterol which is good for me.
Can you confirm this?
Thanks. Don
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
Egg yolk contains cholesterol and should be taken in moderation. There is no “H-cholesterol” in food.
What your friend was mentioning was probably “HDL-cholesterol” in our body. That is determined by taking healthy fat, regular exercise and a good weight.
Question by hoisiang
Doctor Wai,
I am aware that my cholestrol level is getting higher that my last bloodtest. May i know that if recently i experience some pain on my chest near to the heart area, and the pain last for at least 5 to 10 mins, do you think this is sign of some silent heart attack?
My granny had a few silent heart attack before and my dad is also on heart medications, does that means that i am at high risk of getting heart problems soon.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
It depends on the other risk factors. The risk of heart disease depends mainly on age, cholesterol level, smoking history and blood pressure. Your doctor will be able to determine the risk for you and decide on the need of medication.
Question by sohcarina
Dear Doctor Wai
My total cholesterol was 236 (about 20% lower than the last blood test I had 4 months ago) and total cholestrol/HDL ratio was 3.1. My BMI has always been around 18. I exercise twice a week. Do I need medication for my high cholesterol?
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
It depends on the other risk factors. The risk of heart disease depends mainly on age, cholesterol level, smoking history and blood pressure. Your doctor will be able to determine the risk for you and decide on the need of medication.
Question by healthblur
Is it really true that I should avoid prawns to prevent my cholesterol level from getting high?
Or is it just the prawn heads?
Someone told me that if we eat the prawn shells with the prawn, it will 'balance off' the high cholesterol in the prawn , because there is some substance in the shell that will cut off/remove the cholesterol. Any truth to that?
I hope to reduce my cholesterol from 275 down to below 200 just by diet and exercise alone i.e. without medication.
Is this possible? What regime do you advise?
My BMI is 22.
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
Prawn is high in cholesterol, especially in the head. You can eat seafood in moderation, but not over indulge. The way the prawn is cooked is also important – if the prawn is steamed, it is much better. Taking fried prawns is not good for our cholesterol levels. 80% of our body’s cholesterol is from our own production, and 20% ingested. If we take a lot of fat, our body will make more cholesterol. So the amount of oil is probably more important in our daily diet.
Prawn shells contain chitin. Studies have not shown much effect of chitin in “balancing off” the high cholesterol in prawns.
That is possible for some determined people. The diet should be low in fat and cholesterol. Exercise should be 150 minutes a week, consisting of both cardio and weight training.
Question by lee
Dear Doctor Wai,
My two brothers are quite overweight - 100 kgs each - but when they had their cholesterol checked recently, it was very low - only 180. They credit the fact that they eat a lot of salmon, and drink red wine.
So, now they think they are very safe from danger of a heart attack? Is this correct?
They are both in their early 50s, and hardly exercise much.
Please advise me what I should say to them to improve their lifestyle and give them a wake up call to better manage their health.
Or, are they really actually okay?
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
It depends on the other risk factors. The risk of heart disease depends mainly on age, cholesterol level, smoking history and blood pressure.
Your doctor will be able to determine the risk for you and decide on the need of medication. What they say about food has certain truth in it – taking lots of salmon and drinking some wine can prevent heart attacks. However, they should also exercise to further lower the risk.
Question by jackie
I'm quite skinny but when I had my cholesterol checked recently, I was shocked to find that my cholesterol level was very high - 310. Should I start to get worried? Why would this be so, and what should I do now? Can I get my cholesterol level down without medication? Please help! Thank you very much.
Answered by Dr. Daniel Wai Consultant Lipid Unit, Dept of Endocrinology Singapore General Hospital
That is a very high level, usually seen only in people with genetic factors of high cholesterol. You should see a doctor as soon as you can because you would definitely need both lifestyle change and medication.
Ref: U11