
Some types of braces

  • Fixed braces
    These are the most common type. Brackets are attached to the front of each tooth and connected with an orthodontic wire. The brackets can be made of metal or transparent ceramic. A single wire connects the brackets. They are secured by rubber rings which come in a range of colours. An alternative is selfligating braces, which do not require the use of rubber rings; the single wire is secured to the brackets with a locking system. Treatment cost: from $2,500

  • Invisible aligners
    Made from thermoplastic material, invisible aligners are transparent, removable braces that are fitted snugly over a row of teeth. They have to be worn all the time, except when eating or brushing teeth. Aligners have to be replaced periodically as the teeth will continue shifting till the treatment ends. Treatment cost: from $4,500

  • Lingual braces
    ​Similar to fixed braces, lingual ones are, however, attached to the back of the teeth, making them completely invisible. Unfortunately, because of their position, they tend to be more uncomfortable and can cause ulcers on the tongue. This is also the most expensive option. Treatment cost: from $8,000

Dental hygiene while wearing braces

Special care and attention is recommended when wearing braces.

  • Brush teeth after every meal to prevent plaque build-up.
  • Use an interdental toothbrush if flossing is difficult.
  • Avoid eating sticky food, such as chewing gum and toffee, as they might get stuck in the crevices of the braces.
  • Avoid biting on hard food, including ice cubes, crabs, sugar cane, nuts and bones.
  • Hard fruits, such as apples and pears, can still be eaten, but should be sliced into bite-sized portions.

​Ref: Q15​​