Do you have the following conditions that make you look tired and older than you are?

  • Droopy eye lids, cheeks and forehead
  • Puffy eye bags
  • Dry eye / Watery eye
  • Apart from aesthetics, such conditions may also impair vision and cause eyestrain and fatigue.

    Aesthetic eyelid or eye plastic surgery is a form of cosmetic surgery that enhances the look of the area around the eye. This is done by removing excess skin and fat that otherwise make the face look tired and old. The procedures include blepharoplasty, endoscopic or small incision brow-lifts, mid face lifts, Botox injections and filler treatments.

    Oculoplastic Service is a tertiary service that deals with a wide range of conditions including droopy lids, entropion and ectropion, blocked nasolacrimal ducts that cause tearing disorders, orbital fractures and tumours, and thyroid eye disease.

    Clinical Associate Professor Seah Lay Leng, Senior Consultant from the Department of General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology at Singapore National Eye Centre,​​ gives detailed answers to your queries.

    Question by loyshirley

    Dear Prof Seah,

    Does the cosmetic surgery affect one's vision? How safe is it? After the surgery, any post-treatment requires? If so, what are the costs during the surgery and post-treatments.

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    Cosmetic surgery is generally quite safe, however as with all surgical procedures, there is some risk. The following requirements are essential:

    1. Good post-operative wound care.
    2. Avoid alcohol or exertion to prevent bleeding.
    3. Consult doctors at scheduled visit for removal of stitches if required.

    The costs of surgery depend on complexity of the procedures; range from $3,000 - $7,000/- approximately and not claimable from Medisave. Post-operation costs involve doctors’ consultations, medicine and wound care.

    Question by katherinelai

    Hello Prof. Seah,

    I am a vitilago patient having puffy eye bags and watery eyes, would I be able to take the surgical procedure? Thank you and best regards,

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    Yes. A discussion with your surgeon at the consultation would be useful.

    Question by s1143685d

    Besides Oculoplastic/Aesthetic Eye Procedures, what are other effective ways to reverse the signs of ageing?

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    These would include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, drinking more water, taking vitamin C regularly and avoiding too much UV exposure.

    Question by s1143685d

    What is the success rate of reversing the signs of ageing with Oculoplastic/Aesthetic Eye Procedures?

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    The outcomes of surgical procedures would actually depend on pre-operation conditions, surgeons’ experience and post–operation care.

    Question by s1143685d

    How much does it cost to have Oculoplastic/Aesthetic Eye Procedures done? Are such procedures unsuitable for people above fifty years of age?

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    The cost of surgery depends on complexity of the procedure. These range from $3,000 - $7,000/- approximately and are not claimable by medisave. You should consult your eyeplastic surgeon and find out whether you require and are suitable for surgical treatment.

    Question by shalineo

    Hi Dr Seah,

    I am 43 years old, experiencing dry eyes problem. It can make me feel so tired all day long. I've tried eye drops but it only gives short relieves, eye gel but feel uncomfortable with it. At times it seems fine but mostly not. Please advise.

    Thank you.


    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    Topical lubricating eye drops give short relief from symptoms. You can increase the frequency of usage eg 3 hourly, use preferably preservative artificial tear drops.

    If discomfort persists, you can consult your eye specialist regarding insertion of punctal plug or other treatment.

    Question by jabbarhanieff

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to know more about this Aesthetic Eye Procedure and to undergo treatment for my dry eye/watery eye. I also have pffy eye bags. It has somehow affect my vision and cause eyestrain and fatigue.

    Please let me know how do i go thru with it, how much will it cost, where should I go for the treatment and last but not least can I use my medisave.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    Thank you.
    Abdul Jabbar

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    Aesthetic procedures to enhance appearance of eyelids and surrounding structure include surgery on removal of excess skin, double eyelid operation, removal of eyebags, brow lift , botox for wrinkles, chemical peels, intense pulsed light and many others.

    Treatments for dry eyes start with

    1. diagnose the cause for dry eyes and severity
    2. use ocular lubricants (artificial eye drops) and punctal plugs.

    The costs of surgery depend on complexity of the procedures; range from $3,000 - $7,000/- approximately and are not claimable by Medisave.

    The above treatments are available in SNEC.

    Question by [email protected]

    Dear Dr. Seah,

    I'm interested in the eye aesthetics procedures. My questions are:

    1. What would the estimated cost of treating eye-bags ? and eye-lids?
    2. What is the down time after the procedure?
    3. Can this be done at the SNEC?

    thanks you.

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    The costs of surgery depend on complexity of the procedure; range from $3,000 - $7,000/- approximately and are not claimable from Medisave. Generally, the wound, bruising and swellings after operation take about 2-4 weeks to resolve, situations vary from individual to individual. Yes, patients can come to SNEC for surgery.

    Question by pearlynwan

    I am interested to go for an operation to reduce my puffy eye bag. what are my option? Please advice. Thank You

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    In older persons, removal of skin is required together with tightening of lower eyelid, some muscle and fat tissue will also need to be removed. The patient will have a skin scar underneath lower lash line and lateral corner of his eyes. In younger persons, fat tissue can be removed from the inner pink surface of the lower eyelids and there will not be any scar on the lower lid skin. Surgery can be performed on both eyes.

    Question by janey

    One of my top eyelid corners seems to have starting drooping. I am wondering if this is because of wrong use of any eye cream/gel, or part of ageing? What can/should I do?

    I saw in a movie that an eye lift surgery involves cutting at the forehead, and may casue headaches for many months after. Is this true? What is involved in eyelid surgery to fix my problem, if I want to consider? Any obvious scarring and how natural will it look? Will this procedure fix the problem permanently or will I have to undergo another surgery again later in a few years time? I am presently below 50 years old.

    Also, sorry for asking, but, what's the difference between an eye specialist doing this procedure, versus a plastic surgeon? thanks

    Answered by Clin Assoc Prof Seah Lay Leng Senior Consultant Singapore National Eye Centre

    Droopy eyelids may be due to several conditions. Age related droopy lids are common in some middle aged or elderly persons. It is best that you consult an oculoplastic specialist to assess the severity and discuss treatments.

    The surgical procedure for treatment of droopy eyebrow and eyelids that involve operation on the forehead is called endoscopic eyebrow lift. Some patients have persistent pain on their forehead for some time.

    The types of surgical procedure suitable for treating your eyelid problems depend on your condition. Assessment is required before recommendation can be made. Results for aesthetic procedures are never permanent. Eye specialists who had received special training in eyelid surgery are called oculoplastic surgeons and they are suitably qualified to perform eyelid procedures.

    Ref: V10