​The Podiatry Department at Singapore General Hospital (SGH), a member of the SingHealth group, shares the proper way of how people with diabetes should should file their feet regularly to prevent buildup of hard skin or corns.

How to file buildup of hard skin or corns

File buildup of hard skin or corns regularly

1. Use a callus foot file to gently file any hard skin or corns' sites.

2. Do not file with too much force as it can cause a skin abrasion.

3. If the amount of hard skin or corn builds up quickly, you may have to increase the frequency of filing.


Do not use tools to remove hard skin or corn

Do not use scissors, knives, blades or nail clippers to remove the hard skin or corn as it may cut the skin and injure it, resulting in a wound!

Do not use corn plasters or liquid corn/callus removers

Do not use corn plasters or liquid corn/callus removers. They can cause the skin to break down and create wounds.

Ref: M19