"​​Early stages of complications from diabetes can occur without your knowledge. That is why it is important to get yourself screened regularly for diabetes-related complications," says Dr​ Suresh Rama Chandran​, Associate Consultant, Department of Endocri​nology​ a​t Singapore General Hospital (SGH), a member of the SingHealth​ group.

Annual diabetes complication screening is recommended for all individuals with diabetes. The purpose of this screening is to detect any potential complication at an early stage and intervene with lifestyle changes or medications to reduce the risk of progression.

​Annual screenPotential FindingPotential Intervention
1. Eye screenDiabetic eye diseaseReferral to eye specialist

2. Urine protein (albumin) screen

Blood test (Serum Creatinine)

Diabetic kidney disease
  • Intensification of glucose and blood pressure control
  • Addition of medications (ACEI/ARB) to reduce urine protein (albumin) leak
  • Referral to kidney specialist
3. Foot screen
  • Diabetic nerve disease
  • Reduced blood flow to the feet
  • Ulcers, calluses, ingrown or thickened nails
  • Foot deformities
  • Advise on appropriate foot wear
  • Referral for vascular (blood vessel) scan to detect extent and severity of narrowing
  • Dressing of ulcers, removal of calluses and trimming of nails
  • Offloading and accomodation of foot deformities by podiatrist
  • Referral to podiatrist

4. Cardiovascular risk assessment

(Risk is estimated based on your BP, lipids, age, gender and other risk factors)
High risk
  • Intensification of glucose and blood pressure control
  • Initiation of medications (statin, aspirin, ACEI/ARB) to reduce cardiovascular risk.

See previous page for information on diabetes oral health complications and how to prevent them​​.

​Ref: O17