Speech Therapy for Children with Neurological Conditions: General Communication Strategies
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Paediatric Neurology and Speech Language Therapy Service share tips for communicating with children who have neurological conditions.
Having a face-to-face
is one of the effective tools you can use when communicating with a child with a neurological condition.
8 Tips to help communicate more effectively with children with neurological conditions
These strategies may be useful for communicating with your child who has difficulties getting his/her message across effectively.
Get down to your child’s level. Be face-to-face with your child
Keep communication short and simple by using and emphasizing keywords
Reduce your talking speed
Augment/support your communication by using visuals (e.g. pictures), objects and/or gestures
Wait for your child’s response. Give your child time to initiate communication and/or take their turn in conversation. Resist trying to finish off their sentences.
Affirm and praise attempts to communicate
Engage in typical conversation and/or activities whenever possible
Understand that communication can be difficult and frustrating for you and your child. When you recognise it is difficult, you may:
Offer 2-3 choices/helping words
Model what can be communicated
Check that you understood your child's message correctly
Ref: K21
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