Exercises for Children with Neurological Conditions: Lower Limb Strengthening (Knee - Independent)
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Paediatric Neurology and Physiotherapy departments share lower limb strengthening exercises for children with neurological conditions.
Strengthening exercises are important to maintain and improve functional strength in the core muscles and the lower limb joints. It also assists with overall circulation and encourages functional mobility.
Safety precautions when exercising
Ensure that you had been taught the recommended exercises by a physiotherapist before carrying them out.
Ensure the child is near a supporting surface or an attentive adult during exercises especially balance activities.
Observe for signs of pain or discomfort – if pain occurs, stop and check in with your physiotherapist before continuing further.
Your exercise regime
Repeat exercises
as recommended by your physiotherapist – check in with your therapist on the recommended number of sets per day
Ensure adequate rest and hydration between sets
Knee (independent) exercises
Resisted knee extension
Aim: To strengthen your thigh muscles.
Instructions: Place resistance band just above your ankles of both legs. Position yourself in sitting in a chair, thighs supported and feet on the floor. Slide one foot backwards and keep it flat on the floor. Tighten the muscles in your opposite thigh and straighten that knee. Return to the starting position slowly.
20 repetitions | |
Ref: K21
Check out other articles on seizure and epilepsy in children:
Epilepsy and Seizures: Causes, Types and How to Manage
Seizure and Epilepsy Action Plan
Epilepsy: Treatment and Diet Tips
Child Neurological Conditions: Care Tips Resource
Epilepsy Exercises: Upper Limb Stretching
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