Following the relapse of my husband’s (Teo Thiam Chye) nose cancer more than a year ago in 2008, I decided to start him on a daily dose of vegetable juice. After more than a year of the juice, TC has recovered well and he is also looking much healthier. I believe that the vegetable juice has played a vital role in his recovery.

Daily dose of goodness

Why vegetable juice?

In a recent article in The Straits Times - Mind Your Body (19 Nov 2009), it was stated that of all the different types of juices, vegetable juice was the best choice. I quote the article: “Vegetable juice, because it has less sugar and fewer calories than fruit juice, and is loaded with fibre so you feel full”.

What are the types of vegetables suitable for making juice?

From my more-than-a-year of juicing experience, I believe that there are many types of vegetables that would be a suitable choice.The most common is the ABC, meaning: A for Green Apple, B for Beetroot and C for Carrots. Separately, I also make vegetable juice of the following:

  1. Carrots
  2. Baby cucumbers
  3. Baby bitter gourd
  4. Potatoes
  5. Celery
  6. Capsicum (either red, green and yellow)
  7. Big stalk of kai lan

Juicing application

I make 2 types of juice for TC on alternate days. The first type is the ABC juice, which comprises:

  • 3 green apples
  • 1 beetroot
  • 3 medium sized carrots

On the next day, I do a juice comprising:

  1. 3 medium-sized carrots
  2. 2 baby cucumbers
  3. 1 baby bitter gourd
  4. 1 small potato
  5. 2 or 3 celery
  6. 1 capsicum

Each type is enough to produce 2 large cups of juice, one for TC and one for me to drink. The juice is made first thing in the morning when we awake. It is taken on an empty stomach before breakfast. Please wash the vegetables to remove any pesticide remnants before juicing.

Type of juicer

There has been some discussion on the correct type of juicer for making vegetable juice. Some say it has to have a slow speed so that it doesn't “burn” up the enzymes contained within the vegetables. Others use a conventional juicer. Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer to this question. To me, as long as it works for TC it is good enough. I use a conventional fruit juicer, one big enough to take in a whole apple and carrot. There are a number of such juicers in the market, ranging in price from $180 to $250.

Benefits of juices

TC feels that the juices have benefitted his body. I must caution that the juices he takes may not necessarily conform or measure up to a nutritionist's standards but as long as his body is able to accept and adapt to the juice and the juice is benefiting him then it is acceptable to us. The benefits include:

  • Regular daily bowel movement. Each day, TC does his toilet 2 – 3 times, with one visit within 30 minutes of drinking the juice. As a result, he does not have any constipation.
  • His appetite has improved over time. He is now eating very well and has regained all his lost weight, now weighing the same as his pre-cancer days.
  • TC perceives that the antioxidants, minerals and other benefits contained in the juices have helped to overcome the cancer cells in his body. He feels very well.

For sharing your experiences on the topic of vegetable juice, email Margaret at [email protected].

Read on to find out more about the Nose Cancer (NPC) Support group​.

​Ref: W09