Application of aloe vera and manuka honey can provide protection against radiotherapy burns and ulcers of the mouth and throat – a nose cancer survivor shares his personal experience.
Aloe vera and manuka honey protects against radiotherapy burns and mouth and throat ulcers.
Aloe vera – external application for the neck and face area
The gel from the leaf of the aloe vera plant is known to heal burns and cuts, leaving no trace of scars. In radiotherapy, it will prevent burns on the skin of the neck if applied regularly.
Preparation and application
- Use only the aloe vera leaf. Please avoid using aloe vera commercial products to prevent an allergic reaction on the skin from the radiation.
- Slice away all the skin of the leaf with a knife.
- Put the pulp under running water for 20 seconds to wash away the yellow sap. The yellow sap, if not washed away, will cause irritation to the skin when applied.
- Put the pulp into a bowl and leave it for 5 - 10 minutes.
- After 5 -10 minutes, remove the pulp from the bowl.
- Drain off any excess water from the bowl. The gel left behind is what you need for the application. Should you need more gel, cut into the pulp.
- Store the gel in a container and keep it in the refrigerator.
- For daily use after radiotherapy treatment, apply liberally at least 3-4 times, on the neck and the side of the face, increasing the frequency to six times a day. The amount of application is to be increased as the dosage of radiation progresses over the 33 days period. There is no limit to the number of times one should apply the gel. The more times the better to prevent the burns.
- The gel dries on the skin within five minutes. It will not leave any stains or sticky feeling. The gel is easily washed away at the end of each day when taking a bath. Do not use soap. Running water is adequate.
- Please seek medical help should signs of tearing skin or burns appear despite the use of aloe vera.
Where to buy aloe vera leaf?
The aloe vera leaf can be bought from wet markets or supermarkets. However, it is important that you get the right type of leaf to ensure maximum gel extract. I would recommend going all the way to the Kok Fah Technology Farm to purchase the leaf. Each leaf costs about $3 and they will slice the skin and wash the pulp for you. It is ready for use when you bring it home and you can start from step no.7 from the preparation and application list above.
Address of Kok Fah Technology Farm
Sungei Tengah Agrotech Park (Off Chua Chu Kang Road from KJE Exit 5)
Plot 18 Sungei Tengah Road, Singapore
Tel: 67623160. Opens on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday from 9.00am to 6.00pm
Please ask for Francis who will prepare the aloe vera for you.
Manuka honey – to be taken orally

Manuka Honey can prevent mouth and throat ulcers from occurring during the radiotherapy treatment period. It can also heal present ulcers and a sore throat. Patients can avoid a very painful experience with mouth and throat ulcers when the manuka honey is taken correctly. This prevention will allow patients to have a better quality of life whilst undergoing radiotherapy treatment, allowing them to eat normally, thereby strengthening their body through the treatment period.
What is manuka honey?
Briefly, it is a special kind of honey brought about by the bees and manuka plant. This combination creates a special anti-bacteria property that heals ulcers and a sore throat. It is called the unique manuka factor (UMF). You need to purchase a UMF +10 manuka honey for effectiveness. There is no need to purchase beyond UMF +12 as the higher level does not necessarily mean that it will be more effective. UMF +10 or +12 will suffice.
Manuka honey comes only from New Zealand and you should be aware of its imitations in the market. For more information on manuka honey, please check out the website by typing its name.
Preparation and application
- One week before the start of radiotherapy, place a teaspoon of honey in your mouth.
- The teaspoon should be plastic, ceramic or wooden. Please do not use metal as it affects the properties of the honey.
- If possible, spread the honey around the mouth with your tongue and leave it to melt naturally. It will take about 5 – 10 minutes to melt. If you are not able to spread it around the mouth, it is alright.
- After the honey has dissolved down into the throat, you may wish to drink a small glass of room temperature water (not to wash it down) but to just wet the mouth.
- The honey taken regularly at least three times a day will help to protect the mouth and throat from the radiation burns. Please be disciplined and take the honey daily. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to five times per day, spread out over the day.
- Ulcers in the mouth and throat usually appear at night when you are asleep. Should you feel “heatiness”, please do take a teaspoon of honey just before you go to bed. Do not wash your mouth and follow step no. 4 above. You are likely to feel better the next day. However, for those with sensitive teeth, please be aware of your oral hygiene.
- The manuka honey can also be made into a drink for maintenance purposes. Take a teaspoon of honey and stir in room temperature water. Pour the mixture into a tumbler and drink it throughout the day. It also serves as an energy drink and at the same time offers continuous protection to your mouth and throat against ulcers.
- If ulcers still appear in the mouth or throat despite taking the manuka honey, please do seek medical assistance.
Where to buy manuka honey?
Manuka honey can be bought from most health outlets like Unity, GNC and Nature Farm etc., in Singapore. To ensure authenticity, please purchase the honey from reliable outlets like those mentioned above. Buy only manuka honey that comes from New Zealand. Remember – UMF +10 or +12 only.
About the writer
Teo Thiam Chye was diagnosed with stage 2B nose cancer in June 2003. He underwent radiotherapy treatment at the National Cancer Centre. Prior to the treatment, Thiam Chye was told by ex-patients to expect radiation burns to the neck as well as ulcers in the mouth and throat. The ex-patients also described their very painful experiences with the burns and ulcers to him. Thiam Chye believed that there were ways to better manage and prevent the burns, ulcers and pain. In his search, he found that aloe vera and manuka honey were able to protect against, and even cure radiation burns and mouth and throat ulcers.
His personal experience proved that both aloe vera and manuka honey were effective in wounds management. Both these products have since been successfully tried and tested on other nose cancer patients over the years with a more than 90 per cent success rate. This has allowed for a better quality of life for such patients undergoing radiotherapy. Thiam Chye discovered the benefits of aloe vera and manuka honey through the grace of his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is now sharing this blessing with all new nose cancer patients.All he asks is that you pass this blessing on to the next nose cancer patient you meet.
Thiam Chye is an active member of the Nose Cancer Support Group (NPC). The Group was formed in 2006 under the auspices of the
National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS). Its purpose is to provide support and outreach to nose cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers by organising monthly talks and activities. Thiam Chye became the programme leader of the group in 2008.
Calling himself a nose cancer ambassador, Thiam Chye aims to de-mystify nose cancer by encouraging all survivors to share their personal experiences in their fight against cancer to enable new patients to undergo their treatment with courage and minimal pain, and to lead a better quality of life on recovery.
The information and content contained within this website belongs to the NPC Support Group and its individual contributors. No whole or part of the information and content may be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the NPC Support Group. Should you wish to join the support group in its activities or need guidance on the application of aloe vera and manuka honey, please email him at
[email protected]. All requests for its use should be addressed to
[email protected].
Read on to find out more about the
Nose Cancer (NPC) Support group.
Ref: Y07