• 51% of mental illness patients suffer from a chronic physical illness, because there is a link between the two
  • Depression, alcohol abuse and obsessive compulsive disorder are the top 3 most common disorders in Singapore
  • 29 The age at which the majority of mental illnesses occur
  • 5.8% of the adult population in Singapore has suffered from depression at some point in their lives

Symptoms of top 3 disorders

Depression: loses interest in daily life, has feelings of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide

Alcohol Abuse: has to drink more and more alcohol to feel its effects as tolerance for the substance increases, experiences sweating and other withdrawal symptoms when not drinking

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive: has persistent and irrational thoughts, impulses or images that cause anxiety or distress like an overwhelming fear of germs and dirt Compulsive: repeats actions like checking and rechecking locks several times over


  • Common medicines include mood stabilisers and anti-psychotics. Patients with mental illness should not stop taking their medicines once they start to get better, unless advised to do so by their doctors
  • Alternative treatments include psychoeducation, counselling and psychotherapy
  • Build mental wellness by cultivating resilience, picking up self improvement skills, and leading a healthy lifestyle
  • Caregivers should avoid burnout which can occur when juggling multiple responsibilities. Siblings, relatives or friends can lend an occasional helping hand

Stay Positive

Start smiling to lift your mood

Make it happen by thinking positively

I can do it – an affirmation is halfway towards solving the problem

Laugh out loud to relieve tension and find humour in the situation

Embrace optimism to better cope with stress

Sources: www.imh​.com.sg, www.hpb.gov.sg, careinmind.aic.sg

Ref. Q15