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Lifeline > The Revival Connection Support Group

Mission Statement

The Revival Connection (TRC) aims to provide knowledge, psychological and emotional support to patients with advanced and recurrent cancer and their caregivers through organised activities, talks, mutal support and sharing of experiences.

Inspired by a handful of patients who had attended our EnReach Retreat and STEER programmes and wanted 'something more', TRC was birthed on 30 April 2005. This vibrant support group for persons surviving recurrence cancers is the first of its kind in the world and currently has a membership size of more than 80.

Led by the Principal Medical Social Worker, Ms Jacinta Phoon, the members unite on their motto 'Where there's life, there's hope' and strive to live life to the fullest despite of the future uncertainties. The members keep in regular close contact with one another. A number of them also take on roles as mentors, providing practical support and cheer to those undergoing treatment.

For more information and registration of our Patient Support Programmes, please call:

DID: +65 6436 8668

Email: patientsupport

Address: Department of Patient Support, National Cancer Centre Singapore, 11 Hospital Drive Singapore 169610

To share your experience, visit The Revival Connection (TRC) Support Group Online Forum.