Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: What is the concept behind HealthXchange?
A: HealthXchange is an interactive health and lifestyle portal developed by SingHealth to help inform the general public and provide an interactive forum platform for members to share their health concerns and tips.

HealthXchange is not meant to replace a face-to-face consultation with a health professional. Do seek professional advice if you know or suspect you suffer from a medical condition.

Q: Can I link to HealthXchange articles?
A: Please send us an email if you wish to crosslink our articles. We will review your site before giving you the right to link. Please review our Terms and Conditions.

User Profile

Q: Why should I register as a member?
A: In order to comment on the various forum threads, you need to be registered as a member. Registration is FREE, and allows you to:

To register, you will need to specify a username and password, and a valid email address. Entering your email address will not leave you open to “spam”. Please make sure to provide a valid and working email address as you will need to click on a link (sent by email) to complete the registration process.

Q: How do I change my profile information?
A: You can modify any information on your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes your permanent username. You may request the administrator to change it, but you will need to provide a good reason.

Q: I lost my password. What can I do?
A: If you forget your password, you can click on the "Forgot password?" link under Log In. This will bring up a page for you to enter your registered email address. An email will be automatically sent with instructions for resetting your password.


Q: Can I post in the forums without registering as a member?
A: No. Only registered users are allowed to post in the forums.

Q: Can I advertise my products or services in the forums?
A: We do not allow buying or selling of products and services in the forums. It is strictly meant to serve as a channel for members to share and discuss their views. Our moderator will remove all such product/service listings.

Q: I saw an offensive posting. How can I report it?
A: No. Only registered users are allowed to post in the forums.

Q: Can I edit my post?
A: Please email our forum moderator should you see an offensive/abusive posting. We will review it swiftly.

Q: Why have some of the words in my post been blanked?
A: Certain words may have been censored by the administrator. If your post contains any censored words, they will be blanked out like this ***** .

Ask the Specialist

Q: I have submitted a question. When will I receive the answer?
A: Due to their busy work schedules, our specialists may not be able to answer all questions submitted. We will try our best to answer at least 30 questions per session. These will be selected based on the popularity and relevance of the questions submitted.

Support Groups

Q: Can I start my own support group?
A: Please email our forum moderator if you are interested to start your own group. Our goal is to help ensure that such support groups are developed by people who have empathy and an understanding of the subject matter, and who sincerely want to help others. We prefer support groups to be founded by our ex-patients, caregivers or anyone who has been directly involved in the illnesses before.

Q: Who should I contact if I want to recommend a support group?
A: Please email your recommendation to the forum administrator. We will assess the suitability of the support group.